Let me start by saying that I'm not the most politically-minded person, and I don't follow politics closely, but I do have a working knowledge of the things that go on in our society both locally and nationally. This entry is not intended to start a big political debate about who's right and who's wrong in our country. My goal here is to address the way in which we relate to those in positions of authority in our towns, our states, and our nation.
A friend of mine, who is a law enforcement officer, recently pointed something out that really opened my eyes. He referred to Romans 13 which states in verse 1 that "all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God" (NLT). If you're like me, you've heard that verse before and it's nothing new. However, what struck me was the fact that I'd never considered our law enforcement as authorized by God to uphold our laws. Verse 2 of Romans 13 goes on to say that "anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished" (NLT). Those who break the law are not just breaking man's laws, they're actually rebelling against God as well. Our law enforcement officers are placed in their positions by God in order to uphold a system He established. They deserve our respect, our support, and most of all, our prayers.
Slightly off topic for a moment- I had been wondering why our law enforcement in this country should be under attack the way they have been in recent months. It didn't make sense to me. When I heard my friend talk about being placed in authority by God according to Romans 13 it made so much more sense to me that law enforcement would be under attack. They're under attack because ultimately, by upholding the law, they're doing the Lord's work whether they realize it or not. Satan is always going to try to bring down those who do the work of the Lord. I don't know if y'all have been wondering the same thing, but maybe that will help you understand as it did for me.
Back to the main point. The verses in Romans 13 extend beyond our local law enforcement. They extend to our city government, our state government, and our national government. Again, I'm not the greatest political mind, and on the whole I find that I disagree with our president's politics, however, he has been placed in a position of authority over us, by God, (do you really think he'd be president if God didn't will it so?) and therefore we are to be respectful of him. Much the same way that we are to respect Christ as the head of the church, and our husbands as the head of our home, we are to give respect to Barack Obama as president of the United States. That doesn't mean we have to agree with the president, like him, or even trust him, but we do have to be respectful. Ultimately, God is in control and His will is going to be carried out regardless of who is president, governor, or mayor of your town. Those digs and insults to the president (or other authority figures) you post on Facebook? It's disrespectful and ultimately rebellious against God. It does not exemplify the relationship we are supposed to have with our loving Savior. Being respectful of someone, loving them, and praying for them has nothing to do with the kind of person they are, but rather everything to do with the person we purport to love and serve.
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